Lovelylil said to Sweetstuff:
just for your information. Paul was not even a Christian yet when Jesus appeared to the women after his resurrection. It was not until sometime after Jesus ascension to heaven that Paul became a Christian. So your assumption that Paul was somehow upset because he did not see Jesus first is off base as Paul was not around then.
Bolding mine. Sweetstuff didn't say that Paul was pissed because Jesus didn't appear to him first; she said (bolding mine again):
Paul was very devoted to Jesus, was pretty damn pissed that he appeared to women first,
Not quite the same thing. I interpreted sweetstuff's comment to mean that Paul resented Jesus' appearing to women before he appeared to the (male) disciples, not because Paul himself didn't get to see Jesus first, but simply because Paul was a misogynist and didn't think any woman deserved the privilege of seeign Jesus first (or maybe even of seeing him at all).
Trygon said:
I've never known an atheist who denied that Jesus existed.Well as a athiest I am sure you can provide us Christians with solid evedence that Jesus did not exist.